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Success Principles

The Power of Prioritization: How to Focus on What Really Matters in Your Business

Discover the transformative power of prioritization skills in your business. Learn to identify and focus on what truly matters with our expert guidance. From creating a strategic list of priorities to leveraging the guidance of business coaches for entrepreneurs, unlock the key to success.

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Practice Management

How to Achieve Work-life Balance Through Effective Time Management

Discover the importance of time management for achieving work-life balance. Learn effective strategies to harmonize your professional and personal life through efficient time management techniques. Enhance productivity and happiness with a balanced approach to work and life

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Practice Management

What are DISC® personality types and how to use it for business marketing

Unlock the power of DISC personality types in business marketing. Learn how to leverage this insightful tool to understand and connect with your target audience effectively.

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Success Principles

7 Ways to Master the Art of Negotiation in Business

Whether you’re a small business or a behemoth, you will be required to leverage the art of negotiation in business to win some of your most crucial battles, achieve your most ambitious goals. Here's a blog that shows you how to improve your existing skills and get more efficient at the negotiating table.

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Sales Management

How to Harness the Power of Trust in Business

Discover the key to success in business: trust. Unlock its transformative potential and learn how to harness it for growth and customer loyalty. Explore strategies and insights in our blog today!

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Success Principles

The ROI of Business Coaching: Why Investing in Coaching can Drive Business Success?

Discover the tangible benefits of investing in business coaching and how it can positively impact your bottom line. Unlock your business's full potential today!

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Success Principles

Top 7 Things All Successful People Do

Discover the top 7 things that all successful people do to achieve their goals and maintain their success. Learn practical tips and strategies to help you emulate their habits and achieve success in your own life.

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Success Principles

The Power of Mindset in Business Coaching: How to Cultivate a Winning Attitude

Learn how to develop a winning attitude in business coaching by harnessing the power of mindset. Read our guide to cultivate a positive outlook and achieve success.

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Success Principles

7 Easy Tips to Improve Your Business Communication Skills

Looking to improve your business communication skills? Check out these 7 easy tips that will help you communicate more effectively in the workplace.

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Sales Management

The Top 5 Qualities of a Successful Sales Coach

Discover the essential traits of a successful sales coach! Learn the top 5 qualities that can drive sales team performance & boost revenue. Read now!

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Sales Management

5 Time Management hacks for busy Sales Representatives

Boost your productivity! Learn 5 essential time management hacks for busy sales reps. Maximize sales success with smart time-saving strategies.

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Sales Management

How A Business Coach Can Motivate Your Sales Team To Achieve Their Goals

A business coach can be a valuable asset to your sales team. Discover how they can help motivate your team to reach their sales goals and drive success.

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Practice Management

How To Use Time Management To Achieve Your Business Targets

Time management is a crucial skill for achieving business goals, as it allows individuals to make the most of their available time and accomplish more in less time.

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Sales Management

Why Every Business Needs A Sales Coach For Increased Revenue And Growth

A sales coach can be invaluable to a business in a number of ways. Sales coaches are experts in identifying areas where sales teams can improve, providing strategies for effective communication and negotiation, and helping team members build confidence in their abilities.

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Success Principles

What Are The Top Advantages Of Working With An Entrepreneur Business Coach?

Working with an entrepreneur business coach can provide many advantages for business owners who are looking to grow and develop their businesses. Here are some of the top advantages, 1. Improved clarity and focus, 2. Enhanced problem-solving skills, 3. Increased accountability and more.

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Goal Achievement

How to Create Effective Action Plans to Achieve Your Business Goals

Creating effective action plans can help you achieve your business goals by providing a clear roadmap and actionable steps to take towards success. Here are 6 tips to achieve business goals

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Goal Achievement

How to Choose the Ideal Business Coach for Your Needs

Choosing the ideal business coach can be a daunting task, but it's an important decision that can have a significant impact on your career and business growth. Here are 6 tips to help you choose the right business coach.

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Sales Management

How to build a winning Sales Enablement Strategy

Needless to say, every milestone that your sales teams set and achieve takes your business forward towards where it deserves to be. This is where sales enablement comes in.

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Success Principles

14 Ways to Deal with Rejection

You are not alone – all salespeople face disappointment from time to time.

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Goal Achievement

What does consistency mean in the workplace?

In a fast changing world where newer options come by every minute, consistency is the factor that could make the difference between growth and stagnation. Here are 5 ways ingraining consistency into every aspect of your business will impact your overall performance.

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Success Principles

8 Business Coaching Benefits You Can't Ignore

Are you an aspiring business owner? Struggling daily to manage time, people and work? Are your efforts not yielding sales to the expectation? Here are 8 reasons why you need to get business coaching service.

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Success Principles

Impostor Syndrome

7 ways to overcome impostor syndrome

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Success Principles

6 Key Principles That Guarantee Success

Anyone can succeed, if they follow the principles that attract and increase the chances of success. Here’s 6 vital principles - 1. Passion, 2. Growth mindset and more

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Success Principles

Why working with a coach will help you do better

Think of it as two heads working at achieving those goals than just one. Hiring a entrepreneur coach might be just the move you need to make this new year, Contact Polaris One and get the perfect coach for your business.

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Success Principles

5 ways to develop a resilient mindset

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Goal Achievement

Do you have the right lens when setting your goals?

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5 Easy Ways to Optimize Your Zoom Presence by Shelly Golden

Learn about how to maximize your camera angle, lighting, sound, background and clothing.

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Goal Achievement

How to reset your focus when you miss your goals

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Sales Management

Top 5 Sales Practices that get you better results

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Goal Achievement

The smart road to your goals

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Moving to the Next Level

Follow these eight steps to get from where your business is now to the next level.

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Success Principles

Are You Prepared for What is Next?

2020 has been a challenging year. What steps can you take to be best prepared for the future?

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Success Principles


It has only been a short time since COVID-19 was brought to our national attention. My first thought was that we never have experienced anything like it before.

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Goal Achievement

Rethink Goals During Covid-19

Challenging times calls for rethinking short term goals and looking for the silver linings.

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Success Principles

Gaining the Public's Confidence

A must read from Napoleon Hill's book, Magic Ladder to Success.

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Success Principles

Vision, Persistence, and Triumph

Learn more about the fundamentals of goals and how you can achieve it through the experts and best business coaches at Polaris One. Get a appointment booked today to increase your business growth.

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Success Principles

Top Rules for Successful Networking

Webster’s II New College Dictionary defines networking as, “An informal system whereby persons having common interests assist each other.”

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Success Principles

7 Secrets to Improve Your Listening Skills

Whether you are a salesperson, manager, boss, co-worker, parent, or friend; at one time or another you’ll need to persuade someone to do something.

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Success Principles

Coaching: The Goal. The Vision. The Results.

When Insurance Agent Kate Green initially contacted me in regard to a coaching session, she had no idea what to expect from our connection or what a coaching session actually entailed.

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Practice Management

Designing Environments to Support Growth and Change

Do you want to give yourself an edge when attempting to grow or change?

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Time and Organization

No More Excuses for Getting It Done!

It’s All In the Follow Through

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Success Principles

Want to Sell More? Stop Selling! Start Listening!

Consumers today are more sophisticated than ever before.

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Success Principles

Centers of Influence

What sales and management wisdom could the Beatles possibly impart to us?

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Practice Management

Thoughts on Leadership

The topic of leadership has fascinated me for most of my professional career.

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Success Principles

Leadership Starts with Yourself

To lead others, one must first learn how to lead oneself. This is reality. There is no getting around that.

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Time and Organization

Help! I Need to Get Organized Once and For All

Perhaps one of the most frequent questions I receive in my coaching practice is, "Can you help me get organized once and for all?"

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Time and Organization

Conquering Your Time and Organization Management

"Nothing is as fatiguing as the continued hanging on of an uncompleted task." William James

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Goal Achievement

It's Not Too Late to Achieve Your Goals

But, it's only February you say! You're exactly correct.

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Goal Achievement

Forget About Making Those New Year's Resolutions

It has been my experience that most people who make New Year's resolutions don't achieve the vast majority of them.

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Success Principles

Book Report: Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill

This book was written in 1938, during the Great Depression. That makes this book especially important today as we struggle with our current economic problems.

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Practice Management

The Power of Groups

Have you ever wondered how a good business professional becomes a great leader?

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Goal Achievement

New Beginnings

"I set my goals every year, yet I never truly achieve them. I know that I am falling short of my potential."

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Success Principles


Is there any truth to the notion that once someone has accomplished something big and gains notoriety (positive or negative) for that accomplishment that they somehow just are in the know, and we should listen to what they have to say?

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Success Principles

Believe It or Not, Your Results will Follow

Belief plays a significant role in our success and achievement or our lack of success and achievement.

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Success Principles

The Top Ten Attributes of Resilient People

People who are resilient have the best chances of succeeding in life, by staying positive and focused on achieving their goals, and fulfilling their dreams and aspirations.

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Goal Achievement

What's Holding You Back?

What is holding you back from achieving all of the success that you are capable of achieving?

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Success Principles

5 Secrets to Sales Success

Over the years I have been very fortunate to work with many wonderful clients both in my individual and group sales coaching practices.

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Sales Management

7 Lessons Learned

They say that experience is the best teacher. I agree, but would add that it's only the best teacher if we learn from the experiences we have.

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Sales Management

14 Things Your Clients Wished You Knew

I like you and benefit from doing business with you…. but …it really is all about me…. always was …. always will be.

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Success Principles

21 Timeless Truisms

Sometimes these one-liners are inspirational.

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Success Principles

A Short Course in Self-Development

There is an old Chinese saying that speaks to the here and now issue of the need for life-long learning and continuous self-improvement.

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Success Principles

The Extraordinary Power of Resilience

Our ability to bounce back from disappointments is perhaps one of the most important skills we can posses if we are to achieve our goals and become all that we a capable of becoming.

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Success Principles

Are You in a Success Rut™?

The initial phone conversation starts the same way. "I'm doing ok, but I know I could do much better.

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Success Principles

Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

Every now and then you have the opportunity to meet someone whose philosophy resonates with yours.

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Goal Achievement

Become Unstoppable

So when does that "click" come for you?

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Success Principles

Being in the Zone

Your business practice has two components to it.

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Success Principles

Change-The Essential Survival Skill

Doing the same things in the same way yields the same results.

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Goal Achievement

How Can Your GPS System Help You To Achieve Your Goals?

The GPS system needs only 2 coordinates to give you directions to your destination: Where you are. Where you are going.

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Success Principles

How to Stay Positive and Motivated When You Feel Like Quitting

One of my clients recently described his experience with his business practice. He said that everyday felt like he was pushing a boulder uphill.

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Goal Achievement

Living Your Life On Purpose

Sounds like a "no-brainer" doesn't it? Of course I'm living my life on purpose.

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Sales Management

Mastery of Self

The heart of the book consists of the 15 Sales Success Factors that extensive research has shown make the difference between those who excel in their sales career and those who do not.

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Success Principles

Recipe for Success

I am constantly amazed to see how often articles appear on the subject of success and how you can achieve it.

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Success Principles

Reflect on the Past to have a Bright Future

When we plan and execute our personal and business goals for the future remember to REFLECT on the past.

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Goal Achievement

Report to Training Camp

Gear Up Now for a Strong Finish to the Year!

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Goal Achievement

Scorecard For Your Goals

If you are serious about achieving more of the goals you set for yourself, answer the following 20 questions.

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Success Principles

Seven Secrets of Peak Performers

What is it about Peak Performers that captivates our attention?

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Goal Achievement

Success and Achievement Drive

The number one factor that influences our ability to achieve our goals is having a strong desire to do so.

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Success Principles

Seven Success Principles

Years ago I read an article in Selling Power Magazine that gave great advice from Carly Fiorina. She boils down the secret of her success to seven principles.

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Goal Achievement

Success on Purpose

Wishing for success won't bring it about.

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Success Principles

The Courage to Succeed

You’ve read all the books, listened to the tapes, and attended the seminars.

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Success Principles

The Power of Focus and Concentration

It all begins with focus and concentration. It all ends with focus and concentration.

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Success Principles

The Unstoppable Mindset

The purpose of this article is to help you develop what I call “The Unstoppable Mindset,” within the context of selling life insurance.

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Goal Achievement

Tips to End the Year Strong

Time is of the essence. Will you finish the year strong? Are you on track with your annual goals?

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Time and Organization

A Short Course in Effective Time Management

“There can be change without progress, but not progress without change.”

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Success Principles

Discipline of Gratitude

This is the time of year we often reflect on all that we have in our lives.

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Goal Achievement

5 Keys to Setting Goals That Actually Get Done

We are almost through the first quarter the year. How is it going?

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Time and Organization

How to Get More Done in a Day

One of the most consistent and relentless problems that I hear from my clients is that there is too much to do and not enough time in the day to get it done.

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Success Principles

5 Hard Earned Lessons From Highly Successful Salepeople

I love being a sales coach, and I have had the privilege to work with many different types of salespeople over the years.

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Practice Management

No Business Plan?

I’d like you to imagine the following scenario: you’re taking a business trip from San Francisco to London.

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Practice Management

The Power of Your Decisions

One of the most transformative shifts that we can make is a firm decision to change a something in our lives.

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Success Principles

5 Tips for Becoming a Better Networker

In today's sales environment one of the most effective ways to connect with prospects is by first developing a relationship with them.

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Success Principles

Activity vs. Results - which do you focus on?

There are a number of traits that all successful salespeople have in common. One of the most important behaviors that they all possess is:

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Practice Management

An Important Key to Sales Success

There are a number of traits that all successful salespeople have in common. One of the most important behaviors that they all possess is:

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Goal Achievement

5 Tips to Achieving Your Goals Now

It is part of living an intentional life. It is a way to create the impact you want in the world.

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Success Principles

Tired of dealing with sales rejection? Here are some useful tips.

We make professional sales presentations to well qualified prospects and then face rejection and disappointment.

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Sales Management

5 Secrets to Sustainable Sales Success

The most successful people in business have some things in common. They have mastered and maintained excellent habits and attitudes.

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Goal Achievement

7 Steps To Achieve Your Business Goals For This Year

Reflect on this: Way back in January, what were the business goals you set for the year?

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Time and Organization

10 Ways to Conquer Your Procrastination NOW

According to Edward Young, “procrastination is the thief of time.”

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Time and Organization

Get More Done. Scrap the To Do List.

That system may have worked before we all became very busy and over-worked and our lists got longer and longer.

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Practice Management

Is Your Business Running You or Are You Running Your Business?

If you are like most people you probably experienced a healthy amount of both fear and excitement.

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