Ever wondered why a particular sales approach works wonders with a specific type of client but generates a lukewarm response with another? The answer has less to do with your efforts and more to do with the personality type in front of you. Think of it this way: if you were to know beforehand that the prospective client you’re meeting prefers exact figures over grand vision statements, how would you prepare? Knowing the personality types of prospective clients or customers, partners or associates enables you to tailor your content, conversations, presentations and even emails for optimal results. Here’s an article that shares the four primary DISC personality types and ways to best approach each type, while doing business with them. 

Dominant or D Type

People who fall under this personality type after a DISC assessment, are ambitious in setting goals and aggressive in achieving them. They’re pioneering in their vision and determined in their efforts. They stay strong-willed and motivated irrespective of challenges coming their way.

Tips to approach the D Type:

Focus is key when handling this personality type. Get to the point without wasting time in pleasantries or beating around  the bush. When making a pitch, get to the part about how they can benefit from your idea or proposal, without delay. Make your content and presentation crisp, stick to the area of interest or consideration and clearly outline the steps involved in your delivery of solutions.

To summarize:

*Maintain clear focus

*Explain the benefits

*Be clear and concise

*Keep it business only


Influential or I type

Individuals of this personality type are charismatic in their appeal and positive in their outlook. They are masters in the art of persuasion and gain trust almost effortlessly. They are great at building networks and leveraging contacts to make things happen.

Tips to approach the I Type:

Making a personal connection is important when meeting this personality type. Be warm and enthusiastic when greeting them and patient when they begin sharing their vision, ideas or thoughts. Avoid getting into the nitty-gritty and stay focused on the larger canvas. Make your point through genuine and engaging stories or experiences of past clients or customers and close with a positive summary of why they need to consider partnering or collaborating with you.

To summarize:

*Be warm

*Invite them to share their ideas

*Share relevant people stories or insights

*Have an optimistic vibe


Steady or S Type

Clients or customers of this personality type are unlikely to be swayed by marketing gimmicks or smart tactics. They are calm when hearing out proposals and stable when confronting challenges. They are consistent when it comes to practices and predictable when it comes to offering responses or making decisions.

Tips to approach the S Type:

Ease into your communication or conversation without pressuring them to consider your point of view. Avoid flooding them with excessive data when sharing your perspective. Be genuine in your approach and focus on building trust. Strike a balance between being overly warm and friendly and too business-focused and transactional. Most importantly, ensure that your actions deliver on your promises or assurances.

To summarize:

*Don’t rush into business

*Focus on getting to know them

*Avoid being too transactional or detailed

*Back your promises with relevant assurances


Conscientious or C Type

Prospects of this personality type are more than likely to be systematic and cautious. They look for accuracy in facts and figures and neatness and order in presentations and meetings. They are careful when taking decisions and diplomatic when maintaining relationships or associations. They make sure to demand standards in processes and benchmarks in service levels.

Tips to approach  the C Type:

Be formal and to the point to maximize your potential of acceptance with clients or prospects of this type. Be realistic when projecting targets or results; promise only that which you are certain to deliver or accomplish. Set in place a process that enables you as well as the client to assess and evaluate performance at regular stages. Make sure to set the perception that you’re chasing a common goal.

 To summarize:

*Be detailed when providing information

*Do not expect immediate responses

*Make sure everything’s in writing

*Share proofs or guarantees to minimize risks


Understand and leverage personality types for greater business success with Polaris One.

If you haven’t already begun incorporating personality types into your relationship building strategy, it’s never too late to start. If you're looking for an expert in this domain who can help you understand the 4 primary DISC personality types and also learn how to convert this knowledge into superior relationship, trust and opportunity building practices, visit polarisone.com to book an appointmentFounded by Bob Arzt – a seasoned expert with 35+ years of experience in coaching business professionals from wide ranging areas, we’re a coaching services establishment that’s reputed for helping businesses and start-ups imbibe and shape success-critical knowledge, skills and strategies through one-on-one as well team coaching sessions, exercises and more. Begin your coaching experience with Polaris One and master the art of impressing clients, no matter what their personality type.